Is Acupuncture treatment safe?
Yes. Only sterile disposable needles are used. Because of the training an Acupuncturist receives, acupuncture is very safe. If a comprehensively trained acupuncturist performs the treatment, your safety is assured. "Although tens of millions of acupuncture needles are used annually in the United States, only about 50 cases of complications resulting from acupuncture have been reported in the medical literature over the past 20 years." - Birch, et. al., "Clinical Research on Acupuncture", Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2004.
Is Acupuncture painful?
Acupuncture needles are very thin. Most people do not find the insertion of such hair fine needles to be painful. Acupuncture needles are hair fine, unlike injection needles, which are thicker, hollow and have cutting edges. This is why acupuncture feels nothing like getting a shot or having blood drawn.
How long has Acupuncture been practiced?
As a system of medicine, acupuncture is over 2500 years old, and may have been practiced in China in a rudimentary form 5,000, even 7,000 years ago. The oldest continuously used medical textbook is the "Huang Di Nei Jing" ("Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic"). Still relevant today, this textbook remains a valuable reference on the theory, and on acupuncture techniques that practitioners still use today. The practice of acupuncture has evolved and changed in the last 2500 years - many new techniques have been developed, and continue to be developed today.
How should I prepare?
1. Come with any questions you have, we're here to help you. 2. Wear loose, comfortable clothing for easy access to acupuncture points. 3. Don't eat large meals just before or after your visit. 4. Refrain from overexertion, drugs, or alcohol for up to 6 hours after the visit. 5. Avoid stressful situations. Make time to relax and be sure to get plenty of rest. 6. Between visits, take notes of any changes that you may have experienced.
How long do treatments take?
An office visit will last from 30 minutes to 1 hour. The needles, once inserted, will usually be left in place from 15 to 45 minutes. Ultimately, the session length depends on the technique and desired results.
How many treatments are needed and how often?
Although some people will respond well to only one treatment, more are often necessary. The frequency of treatment and number of treatments needed is related to the patient's condition. Generally, the longer the patient has had the condition the longer the course of treatment will be before showing substantial and lasting results. Acupuncture can be scheduled as often as five times a week or as little as once a month. Typically, in China, patients are treated two to five times a week. Although some patients respond favorably after only one or two treatments, others may not respond even until the ninth visit. As symptoms improve fewer visits are required. A client should discuss his or her treatment program with Dr. Zhou, as each individual case is unique.
Does my insurance cover Acupuncture?
The good news is that yes, many insurance companies now offer policies that cover acupuncture and related services performed by an acupuncturist. We accept many major insurances. Contact your insurance company for more information on what services are covered.